ginger (m)ale

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there we sat, in the courtyard of cardiff seaside market, sipping our venti iced drinks (coffee for me, green tea for her), soaking up the saturday sun. we chatted about life and love and how attractive the patrons of this particular center tend to be (but really, we now know where to go for some ...

in your 20’s

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...but really, even when it seemed like i was doing nothing at all (and when i believed i was doing nothing at all), i was actually hard at work on the real labor of your twenties -figuring out who you actually are. guess why this is the most important thing you have to do in your ...

summer dreaming (on such a spring’s day)

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my sincerest of apologies, i was completely remiss in wishing y'all a happy first day of spring on wednesday. my manners, seriously, they must be where my mind has been for the past three weeks (see also: gone). at any rate, happy spring to you and yours. now with those well-wishes out of the way, we ...

all hail skin care

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i may or may not have alluded a time or twelve that my skin and i have hardly been the best of friends over the years. think of it this way: my skin has always kind of been a regina george, and me, i'm like the rest of the student body just trying to survive ...

seeing my name in print

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when you're knee-deep in a season of uncertainty, it's important vital to take notice of the little victories that God sprinkles along your path. like stopping to smell the roses, force yourself to take delight in the happys that infiltrate your day to day. so allow me to point out one such happy that recently laid claim ...

streamlined shawna

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it's funny what can happen in a day let alone a week, month, or year. they (you know, the proverbial "they" that we always refer to when making broad generalizations) always say life is filled with ebbs and flows -some chapters are deluges, while others produce nare a raindrop. and while i wish my life ...

bedolution evolution

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try as i might, i absolutely cannot remember what it was like to sleep in my crib. i mean, i've seen it in pictures, so those images stick out when i attempt to reminisce about my first moments of life, but as far as the way it felt to stare up at the ceiling and ...