blog crush friday: i’m not here to make friends

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with just weeks away until the highly anticipated (at least it is in my household) premiere of the bachelor and the kick-off of “juan-uary” overall, today’s crush is keeping with that theme. on a whim, drew hoolhorst (yep, the same one from “rocket shoes” and of former blog crush friday fame) wrote a recap of a bachelorette episode that he watched with his girlfriend and well, the internet exploded. while recaps of this show seem to be a dime a dozen these days, the fact that these synopses were written by a) drew (because he’s the best and funniest person ever, yes ever) and b) a guy (because usually these shows are only watched by women and therefore only recapped by women) made them unique. 

so now that hundreds of people have gladly jumped on the “the bachelor, reviewed by a guy. sorta” bandwagon, for this particular season, featuring the ever-charming latin single dad former soccer player and current club promoter, juan pablo galavis, drew has created a whole separate website to house his reviews. it is called “i’m not here to make friends” after the popular line uttered by many a catty (see also: biatchy) contestant as to her real reasons for signing up for the show. and upon learning of its existence this past week, i nearly wept out of sheer and utter excitement.

tierra(ble) was CERTAINLY not there to make friends.

tierra(ble) was CERTAINLY not there to make friends.

therefore if you plan on joining me (and let’s be honest, most of the female population) in juan pablo’s journey to love, i highly suggest you bookmark i’m not here to make friends NOW.

january 6th can’t come soon enough!

so there may or may not be other incentives for watching this season besides just the recaps...

so there may or may not be other incentives for watching this season besides just the recaps…


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