i’ve got you covered

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new rug


what did the rug say to the floor?

don’t worry, i’ve got you covered.

in desperate need of a new kitchen rug, S and i popped into home goods to peruse its aisles in hopes of finding a cute (and affordable) replacement on saturday afternoon. in a matter of minutes, i had located a navy and mint patterned accent rug at the end of an aisle and immediately fell in love. $19 later and it was all mine.

now it’s sitting pretty in my kitchen, covering a slice of hard wood and acting as a happy little reminder that sometimes at nearly 30 years old, a successful trip to home goods is the highlight of your weekend.

1 Comment
  • Aunt Teresa
    March 24, 2015

    Oooo, I really like it. Chic and stylish. Great purchase. Have a fabulous day.

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