parentheses on your face

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things that are currently creating parentheses on my face (that’s a smile for those who may be confused by my attempts at being clever-slash-witty) today (in no particular order):

urban plates dinner dates with my favorites

polka dot everything

real housewives of orange county (i can’t help it, i’m sorry i’m not sorry)

steamed vegetables

64 oz. cups of water with lemon wedges

tax refund checks in the mail

“just because” facebook messages and emails

7-11 coffee

a forecasted rainy weekend (and an excuse to wear my fur vest)

becoming a ginger (after a 20+ year hiatus)

sharing in my friends’ “YAY!” moments

my upcoming trip to nashville


excel spreadsheets

my book chapter entitled, “it’s impolite to stare, but if you do, keep it down to three-seconds”

trying out this recipe on saturday night

and this (always):

what things are making YOU smile on this chilly thursday afternoon?


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