that’s enough, emma

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so i try to keep a healthy perspective over the fact that you know, celebs really aren’t just like us (contrary to whatus weeklyhas us to believe) and that it takes a VILLAGE to make them look that good all day every day. and that even if they are blessed with really great genes and their hair is surprisingly their own and not the product of the finest extensions money can buy, they’re probably complete jerkfaces.

and maintaining these philosophies helps me not get so down on myself when i see the likes of minka kelly, eva longoria, and diane kruger (just to name a few) SHUTTING IT DOWN on the red carpet. but there is one celeb who i just can’t seem to put into either of the aforementioned categories because i honestly believe that she is just naturally that cute/adorable/really really pretty AND just as equal parts witty and completely genuine as she appears to be on the big screen.

who is this of which i speak?

well that would be none other than the perpetually blessed with really really hot co-stars, miss emma stone.

i mean, it’s becoming to be a problem, how good she is looking these days. and now that she’s on her publicity tour for the upcoming release the amazing spiderman with her not only co-star, but REAL LIFE boyfriend andrew garfield, girlfriend has been WERKING (and yes, it’s supposed to be spelled that way) it overtime.

so miss emma, my lady jerns and i have a few words for you.

that’s enough. you can stop looking totally perfect all of the time. and being super sassy and likeable in all of your interviews. also, take it down a notch with the whole gallivanting around the globe with your not-bad-looking british import, too, k? i mean we love you (don’t get us wrong), but you’re just making it really really hard for us to wear white pants and you know, not look as good as you.



jerns & me

p.s. one more for good measure. i mean, she can really do no wrong.


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