fearless of failure

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i re-pinned this on pinterest the other day. and since stumbling upon it, i haven’t been able to shake its sentiments from my mind.

i will live out my calling

i’m no stranger to the fear of failing. in fact, i’m pretty sure i’ve refrained from ever even starting a dozen things on account of it (surfing, playing golf, most things that have to do with hand-eye coordination). but the more and more i feel convicted to not only chase, but cultivate my calling (which i think is writing, but there’s a slight chance it could be memorizing celebrity relationship facts instead), the more i must learn to get over the whole fear of failing at it.

i will not let the fear of failure consume me. i will live out my calling.

hopefully this gives you a swift kick in the pants to go out and be who you were meant to be. because in case you didn’t know this, you’re a good one and the world only serves to benefit from what you have to give!

and thus concludes my coach taylor pep talk for the day. #cleareyesfullheartscan’tlose


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