greener grass

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…The thing about Facebook is that it’s a perpetual success announcing machine that lacks the struggles of life. Eventually all these successes compound on each other and we’re lost in the delusion that every single one of our friends is living an amazing life while we’re stuck here, sitting in our underwear in a dimly lit basement apartment with no money in the bank, no friends, and only three packs of ramen to last us until the end of the month.

You’re good though, your work is slowly starting to sell, your family loves you and you’re not bad on the eyes either. You have the option of doing what you want with your days instead of being tied to endless work to maintain a fancy job or a family, you have your health and you could get a date pretty easily. The only thing that matters is that you’re slowly climbing your way out.

The point I’m trying to make is that no one’s grass is greener than yours. It may seem greener but it always will, and that’s something to accept. It never hurts to keep striving though. Eventually you’ll get to the point where you want to be or to a point where you can rationalize that it’s not a big deal. Everybody’s definition of success is different and no matter what you do or don’t achieve with your life you’ll have made an impact on someone.

That sounds like success enough to me.

“nobody’s grass is greener than yours” | michael hedrick | thought catalog

green grass


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