a birthday wish to bams

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a birthday wish to my grandmother, who today, celebrates another candle on her cake.

my dearest bams,

today is your day! and accordingly, we toast to being gifted with another 365 days of you and your presence in our lives. i read once that a “grandma is warm hugs and sweet memories. she remembers all of your accomplishments and forgets all of your mistakes.” and if there was ever a quote to define who you are and what you mean to me, this one by barbara cage would certainly be it. while i could easily fill posts of accounts of how you made my childhood nothing short of pure magic, i want to instead focus on how grateful i am for the relationship we have today, in 2014, where we’ve somehow bridged the gap between grandmother and granddaughter to simply best friends.

thank you for taking a genuine interest in my life. not only do you tune in daily for my internet musings, but you listen to the nuances of my week in one our bi-weekly chats and to say that i am grateful would be an understatement of the highest degree. you have been there to offer an empathetic ear in the midst of every tragedy, and share in my excitement in the whirlwind of every triumph, and for everything else that falls somewhere in between, you’ve been there, too. you’ve always been there, in fact. since day one. and to have as strong of a bond as we have now 29 years later is truly a gift that transcends value.

so today we celebrate you. honoring a woman who has touched all of our lives in so many ways and who continues to shine as a pillar of love, support, and encouragement in the midst of every season of life.

happy birthday, bams. the world is a sweeter place with you in it. and i am blessed to not only be your granddaughter, but also your friend.

love always,








  • Mom
    October 8, 2014

    I say thank you to you too, Mom, for helping me raise our little Rose.

  • Aunt Teresa
    October 9, 2014

    I love, love, love each of those photos. You are a dear for sharing such touching photos. You, your mom, and her mom… 3 generations of wonderful women.

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