this is 30

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Fast forward a dozen years to my 30th birthday, which I just celebrated in June. While some may dread the milestone, I was grateful for a new decade and a clean slate on which to rewrite the disenchantment of my 20s. But, much like what I imagine high school to be like in the midst of social media’s reign, turning 30 in 2015 was hard. While I might have evaded the constant measuring up of my life to those I saw online when I was in high school, it’s not as easy to escape it now.


Instead of being jealous of someone’s brand new car, a present on their 16th birthday or how they were able to afford a designer gown for their senior prom, I’m faced with posts of engagement rings, baby sonograms, and announcements of new jobs. While I’m very satisfied with my life as it is – unmarried (but in a wonderful relationship), without a baby, and working for the same company I have for the past eight years — it’s hard not to stay focused on the fact that my life at 30 looks very different from the lives of my peers who have reached the same milestone.


But, if I’ve learned anything in these past four months, it’s that having different definitions for year 30 is absolutely okay. We tend to want to measure our progress in the marathon of life against that of our friends, but the truth is, no two races are alike. Instead of getting discouraged or insecure by how we haven’t yet reached a specific life stage as compared to our peers, we must remember that the pace at which our life is progressing is perfectly catered to us. Take heart that we’re exactly where we need to be.

as you know, i turned 30 in june. over the last few months, i’ve found myself fighting the comparison monster more than usual -particularly in how my life at 30 measures up to those of my peers. so when i contacted Darling magazine recently about the opportunity to contribute again, i knew this concept was the perfect subject around which to base my piece.

the above is just a portion of the final product currently posted on Darling’s website. you know, it’s always scary coming back from a hiatus -no matter how long. but i think i found my writing legs again and i’m pretty proud to have this article be the first of what i hope to be many featured on Darling’s blog in the future.

as always, thank you for reading. i think you’re fabulous.

image death by stock photo

  • Andrea Culver
    October 11, 2015

    Great article! So happy you are writing for Darling again. You are so talented and it really is a passion of yours. Xo

  • Aunt Teresa
    October 14, 2015

    Sweetie… 30 looks terrific on you. Whenever you need to see a successful, funny, talented woman who is loved by so many… just look in a mirror.

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