28 reasons i loved 28

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i went on a date with a guy once who, in learning my age, was quick to tell me how good i looked (in spite of it). "i thought you were like 21 or 22," he said. thank you? does this mean my anti-wrinkle cream is doing its job? maybe it's the oil-pulling. mostly i ...

2013: a year for transition & travel

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annnd that's a wrap, folks! i cannot believe another 365 days have come and gone and we're already at another new year's doorstep. and while i'm always grateful to have been gifted another chapter to fill my life's novel, i will say that i'm very ready (maybe more than in previous years) to say so-long ...


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this one time i turned 28 and had one of the best days ever. from the early morning birthday wishes and hugs from my pure barre gals to the dozens of facebook posts, emails, texts and phone calls from friends near and far, new and old that steadily came in throughout the day, and of ...

at the gate of 28

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i know traditionally we wait until january 1st (or maybe december 31st) to reflect on another year, but on the eve of my birthday, i can't help but feel a bit contemplative for what the last 365 days has meant for me -in terms of lessons learned, memories made, distances traveled, tears shed and laughs ...

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