28 reasons i loved 28

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i went on a date with a guy once who, in learning my age, was quick to tell me how good i looked (in spite of it). "i thought you were like 21 or 22," he said. thank you? does this mean my anti-wrinkle cream is doing its job? maybe it's the oil-pulling. mostly i ...

role reversal

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ad-ven-ture-some. adj. /ad-ven-cher-sem/: inclined to take risks: venturesome. see also: me two to four years ago -with regards to dating, love, and all things sappy and heart-shaped-related. remember when i randomly gave out my number to a fireman? or when i accepted an invitation from a stranger who left me his number on a napkin? yep, those were the ...

quack, quack

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i like to think i'm a pretty well-trained between-the-lines reader. and while i'm quite aware of what happens to "u" and "me" when assumptions are made, in most happenings of the common variety, i can take the pieces, however abstract they may be, and string them together in a way that eventually warrants a clear conclusion. but ...

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