28 reasons i loved 28

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i went on a date with a guy once who, in learning my age, was quick to tell me how good i looked (in spite of it). "i thought you were like 21 or 22," he said. thank you? does this mean my anti-wrinkle cream is doing its job? maybe it's the oil-pulling. mostly i ...

kookoo for coconuts

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i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. deedly dee. here they are a-standin' in a row...remember that song zazu sang in the lion king? also, how good was that movie? y'all these days i'm kookoo for coconuts. since incorporating the oil pulling phenomenon into my morning routine (six days strong), it seems like without even trying, coconuts have ...

pulling the midnight oil

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i've done my fair share of "hippie" remedies. i mean, for one i take herbal supplements on the daily and see a nutritionist for muscle testing on a regular basis. then there was that one time i had a specialist attach tiny little silver beads to my inner ear in order to promote hormone balance ...

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