why i dabble in babble

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so my family has a monthly newsletter (we're pretty cool like that) and in our december issue, i managed to snag a feature article. and since i'm feeling generous on this december eve, i figured i'd share my article with all of you. plus it's accompanied by a really cute photo of me as a ...

i’m not on tumblr but…

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this is exactly how i feel about the blogosphere: the crazy thing about tumblr... is that you literally watch people’s lives change. you watch them struggle, pray, celebrate, ache, anticipate, grow. you get a little window into the moments that seem insignificant, as well as the moments that are life changing. you see first dates and wedding ...

you make my dreams come true

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so i was remiss in snapping a photo of my ensemble this morning (i blame too much holiday weekending), but that doesn't mean i don't have fun items to share on this wednesday afternoon. in case you don't follow me on twitter or aren't friends with me on facebook (my questions for you are: a) why ...

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