thirty days of thankfulness: 11/6/13

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i was discussing travel with a friend the other day. we spent the evening recalling trips of our past and places still yet to be seen. we both agreed that if given the choice on where to invest, we'd rather put money aside to appease our cases of wanderlust than purchase tangible things that would ...

friendly flying

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i love to travel. the excitement of exploring a new locale, the thrill of sampling the local cuisine (within reason, obvi), the beauty of interacting with the humanity that lies beyond my neighborhood acquaintances. i love it all. and i've been extremely fortunate enough to have crossed off some pretty fabulous cities from my "must-visit" ...


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wanderlust noun. a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. with each new calendar year comes a blank 365 days. 365 fresh canvases to splatter with the paint of life (how's that for a metaphor?). and one of the things i love most about those unmarked 24-hour increments is the fact that i can fill them ...

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