one of my favorite things in life is a nice, long, hot* (we’re talking scalding!) bath. so you can imagine my disappointment when we gave the twins their first bath and they proceeded to scream uncontrollably for the entire duration. *please know we never use hot water with the babies!

fast forward five months and henry and delilah have finally come around on bath time –or as we call it in this household —tubby time (we even have a song to go with it), and now it has fast become one of my favorite rituals of our day. we log tubby time right before bed as part of our nightly routine as i find a warm bath soothes the littles before they drift off to dreamland.
after hearing fellow mamas sing its praises, we, too have fallen in love with the bath products from our friends at tubby todd. we use the lavender and rosemary hair + body wash at every bath and the twins always smell absolutely delicious afterwards. as we move into the winter months where dry weather can wreak havoc on the skin, i’ll also be adding the everyday lotion and all over ointment into our nightly routine to keep the babies’ epidermises supple and hydrated.

since both S and i have sensitive skin, i’m always extra careful to select products that are gentle for our babies as well. luckily the tubby todd formulas are always gluten free, dairy free, certified animal cruelty free, and made with natural fragrances and after months of regular use, i’m happy to report that henry and delilah haven’t had any adverse reactions. tubby todd’s products are also bubbled in the USA.

if you’d like to try tubby todd for yourself or gift products to a mom or expectant mom (the holidays are right around the corner!), you can use this link to receive 10% off your order!
this post is in partnership with tubby todd, all opinions are my own.