i’m not gonna lie, this recent dip in temperature (despite the non-dip in humidity) has me all giddy for fall. but really, when am i not giddy for fall? exactly.
so for this week’s rendition of “wait, i need that” wednesday, i’m drawing inspiration from this photo i found on pinterest that i would love nothing more than to recreate and sport on any day that ends in “y” (although i have a feeling sparkle booty shorts don’t exactly comply with the company dress code):
so here’s what i’m needing on this particular wednesday afternoon:
i think i’ve asked for hunter wellies every year for christmas. and then, for whatever reason, i tell myself that rain boots are slightly fortuitous for san diego and quickly retract my request from santa before he has the opportunity to load them in his sleigh. but it’s a new year, and i feel like it just wouldn’t feel right if i didn’t add them back on my “i’ve got my eye on you” list for 2012, so here they are in all of their rubbery olivey glory:
after years of pretending i was cher from clueless with my knee-high socks and plaid skirt schoool uniform, i thought i had had my fair share of knee-high sock fun. but then last year, i managed to incorporate a pair or two into my wardrobe repertoire, and what do you know, my love for over-the-knee knitwear found resurgence once more. so if you’re looking for a little legwear yourself, urban outfitters has you covered (at least up to your knees):
so much like my love for polka dots, my love for sequins knows no bounds. and because these shorts are awesome and because google is equally as awesome, i have found a pair that i would love to find hanging in my closet someday.
okay, so the yummy chunky knit sweater is a bit tougher to find to complete this look. i suppose while i’m ready for fall, the retail distributors who dictate what hits shelves and when, aren’t, so i’ll probably just go topless.
kidding, kidding.
but when i do find a comparable sweater to complete this ensemble, i’ll need to find a babbling brook to stomp around in, too.
something tells me they don’t sell those at urban outfitters.
but maybe skymall.
August 30, 2012
Skymall totally has a babbling brook for indoor or outdoor use! You can order one on your flight that would give me an excuse to get some rainboots too so I will come stomp around in it with you!!! oh the excitement 🙂