well, following M & K’s incredibly beautiful nuptials on saturday evening, my wedding season has officially come to a close. three up, three down -stunning locations, equally as stunning brides, epic reunions, heartfelt speeches, scrumptious cuisine, a whole boatload of tears (mostly from yours truly and the father-of-the-bride) (thankfully) no bouquet catching, and sadly, not nearly enough dancing.
maybe you’d think it would depress me, attending so many weddings, year after year without my own more than a fantasy of loosely strung together instyle: weddings clippings and pinterest boards. and you would have been right. at a time. but the older i get, and the more i’m gifted with a first-hand view of real life love stories unfolding in what sometimes seems a blink of an eye, the more encouraged i am to know that the physical manifestation of the love shared between Christ and His church is not merely a fantasy reserved for romantic comedies or disney fairy tales. it exists. in big bold and beautiful ways. i have watched it happen every year since 2006. sometimes multiple times per year, and even have been so lucky to have stood beside a few of my dear brides as they crossed the threshold from miss to mrs.
the way i see it, weddings aren’t a reminder of what i don’t have, quite the contrary, they are a harbinger of what’s to come. what i have to look forward to. plus, every wedding attended is just a great opportunity to collect ideas and file them away for future reference. case in point: K’s usage of explosions in the sky’s “your hand in mine” as the bridesmaids’ entrance song, a subtle homage to the best show ever (friday night lights, duh). totally stealing that.
so instead of focusing on what my life is lacking, i want to be encouraged by these love stories. in a world riddled with brokenness, they are a reminder that true love still exists. and bearing witness to each story’s composition, and most certainly, its most pinnacle chapter, gives me hope that my own love story will have equally as epic of an ending.
it’s just still being written.
October 17, 2013