i am not too proud to admit that i literally searched for the following image for a good 30 minutes one night while lounging on the couch/watching tv. and funny enough, i was actually not watching the bachelor as i googled. but i had heard of ben’s uncanny resemblance to one of the characters in the arthur cartoon and i wanted to see for myself if i could indeed find the split screen image to validate said comparison. but try as i might (i mean, really, my google search history is just ridiculous), despite my efforts, i came out empty-handed.
but then this morning, i logged onto one of my favorite blogs and well, what do you know, there was the image i had painstakingly (you think i’m kidding, i was relentless!) scoured the internet for. ladies and gentlemen, i give you benjamin flajnik and his doppelganger –no, not rafa nadal or even josh groban…
francine frensky from arthur.
i also just realized that my search may have turned up futile for the fact that i was searching for “bachelor ben and d.w.” as opposed to “bachelor ben and francine.” apparently i need to brush up on my arthur characters. whoopsies.
at any rate, thank you, yet again, blogosphere for providing me with such great satisfaction. i have located the above image and i couldn’t agree more with its comparison.
March 6, 2012