3:00 A.M.
that’s the time my bod decided it was time to greet this friday morning. rude if you ask me. but an opportunity nonetheless (my best attempts at taking that lemon and fashioning it into lemonade), if anything, for a little moment with my dvr to sift through some of the recordings from the week. i chose to feast my eyes on an assortment of small screen goodies -the latest installment of watch what happens live (featuring cee-lo green and big ang of mob wives as the evening’s guests), tuesday’s episode of new girl and everyone’s favorite (no? just me?) private practice.
and that’s precisely the order i chose to watch them in, too. which is important to note because in my not quite yet lucid state (it was after all three in the morning!) i had managed to arrange them in the order of most light-hearted to least -which is fine if you’re watching these items at the end of your day, but seeing as this week’s episode of pp was dealing with some heavy issues (per usual) like, i don’t know someone dying a slow, painful death (i won’t reveal who in case there are any other poor souls out there that also still watch the grey’s anatomy spin-off), i probably should have left that one on the cue a wee bit longer…because nothing says “yay, it’s the weekend” like sobbing at 5:30 a.m. right before you’re about to get ready for your workday. lucky for me, i only allowed myself a few tears so as to avoid eye puffiness and that icky headache one often develops after a good old-fashioned boo-hoo-fest.
anyway, i’m not quite sure why i was aroused from my evening slumber at an hour not suited for anyone other than maybe vegas visitors and radio dee-jays, but regardless of the reason, i’m kind of glad i was. i mean, it did give me an opportunity to check a few more shows off of my “to-watch” list this weekend, and in a weird way, it made me feel a bit rebellious, too. for someone who is usually asleep by 9, i felt quite defiant milling around the house in the middle of the night. i also felt a tad bit scared. mostly for the fact that i was negligent in turning on any lights and well, those stairs don’t descend themselves…thankfully i made it down without an ankle sprain and/or face plant. phew.
and that’s how my friday started. a few hours too early and a tad bit on the emotional side, but nothing that my extra-large cup of 7-11 coffee and an extra dab of eye concealer couldn’t fix. here’s to the freaking weekend, y’all.