you make my dreams come true

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so i was remiss in snapping a photo of my ensemble this morning (i blame too much holiday weekending), but that doesn’t mean i don’t have fun items to share on this wednesday afternoon.

in case you don’t follow me on twitter or aren’t friends with me on facebook (my questions for you are: a) why aren’t you and b) why aren’t we?), here are a couple of links to some fun things that God was really really awesome in blessing me with last week:

my article about sabuku sushi was published on the restaurant’s home site,


i wrote a little diddy about eating vegetarianly (not a word, but it is now!) in the north county coast communities and it was posted here.

so to express my gratitude for these latest moments of “heck yes, this is awesome!”, i present a video.


back to regular scheduled programming very soon, promise.


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