crash nash 2012

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so i was raised in san diego. i know, it’s been a rough go. but if there had to be a downside to spending your formative years in a city of palm trees, ocean breezes, 72-degree average temperatures, and like, really really pretty people, it would be this: seasons, or err, the lack there of. 

that’s right, as current weather has certainly dictated, fall means nothing in america’s finest. so when a need for a long weekend became necessary and a wanderlust for foliage and the company of best friends birthed to accompany it, i had no choice but to book a flight to nashville for my sophomoric visit to the unofficial country music capital this year.

so armed with a carry-on of patterned skinny jeans, sweaters, vests, tights, and scarves, my favorite frye boots and a really funny book, i’m off to enjoy a weekend with a few of my favorites.

CRASH NASH 2012 starts now (or you know, at 6:40 a.m. tomorrow).

and here are a few photos from april’s trip to get me pumped for round two.


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