no happy happenstance

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image via: quozio.

image via: quozio.

unlike what this quote implies, i don’t think it’s a happy happenstance when you’re gifted the kind of people in your life that simply “get” you. i think God intentionally sprinkles them across your path as various points in your life and in various forms and fashions. in boyfriends, in girlfriends, in just friends, and more than friends. for seasons, for reasons, through distance, and circumstance and life stage.

despite the fact that maybe you’d like a certain someone who is just a friend to work out to be something more, maybe that’s not the real reason they are in your life at this juncture. maybe he is supposed to simply be a friend and confidant on a purely platonic level and that’s okay. sometimes i feel like kindred spirits don’t always exist in same gender friendships. sometimes the person who understands you and can make you laugh and whose company you just genuinely enjoy comes in the form of a member of the opposite sex. they are there to teach you something or make you believe something. to support you and encourage you and laugh with you and give you advice from a male perspective and despite the fact that yeah, maybe you’ve entertained the thought of adding them to the list of eligible gents of which to be wooed, you’ve made peace with the fact that things between y’all work best when the possibility of a romantic “what if” isn’t entertained.

anyway, this quote made me stop and think about the people in my life and why they’re there and how dang happy i am that they are. i think friendship chemistry is just as strong as the relationship kind. i think sometimes you just click with a person whether they’re a lady, a gent, four years younger, or twenty-four years older. i think soul sisters and soul brothers are one in the same and that you can totally have more than one soulmate. i think that at the end of the day, these are the kinds of bonds that make life worth living. these are the kinds of bonds that make you excited to wake up and be you. because these are the kinds of bonds that include the kind of incredible human beings who encourage you to be your best possible self. and what a gift it is to have that in your life.


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