chameleon cold-brew

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chameleon cold brew


since looking into new cold brews to add into my morning rotation last week, i began the first of what is sure to be many taste tests and picked up a bottle of chameleon cold-brew at sprouts this weekend. this little bottle promises four servings, recommending a one-to-one ratio of coffee to water/dairy/non-dairy. i followed instructions, filling the glass first with few ice cubes, then filling it approximately half-way with the coffee concentrate. i finished off with filtered water and gave it a good stir.

survey says? delicious! i noticed i had opted for the mocha coffee variety and you can definitely taste the subtle notes of chocolate in every sip. the true scientist that i am (hardly, but i am dating one so that counts, right?) i tested the brew au natural and also with a splash of non-dairy creamer and stevia. the drink was fairly sweet on its own so the added variables made it almost like dessert. which is perfect because i like my drinks like i like my potatoes –sweet. 

all in all, i’m a big fan and i would definitely buy chameleon cold-brew again.

16 oz bottle cost $6.49 at sprouts


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