cream of the crop

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one could say that with my long torso, i've inadvertently been embracing cropped tops for years. however, this season i'm embracing the mid-drift baring look on purpose. with an abundance of high-waisted pants/jeans in my closet, i'm loving the retro look of pairing said belly-button hovering trousers with tops that leave just a hint of ...

recent purchases -march 2022

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i'll be honest, i have been pretty uninspired by the current fashion trends lately. so with that said, i'd say the winners from this month's purchases would fall under the category of "wardrobe basics" vs. seasonal pieces. i've spent the past few weeks "pruning" my closet (not quite a complete purge but a weeding out ...

on my radar for spring

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i often share things that have caught my eye on my instagram stories but since those expire in 24 hours, i thought it might be more fun/helpful to gather them in one place! as we inch closer to warmer weather and celebrate the arrival of the spring equinox, brands are beginning to showcase their SS2022 ...

recent purchases -february 2022

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february might as well be the month in which all of my money went to h&m. some of it came back by way of returns, but overall, it's safe to say i kept their lights on for another 30 days with the amount of pieces that were sent my way. of course i ordered things ...

let’s talk about sneakers

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while i've played my fair share of sports over the years (tennis, softball, volleyball, and --whether or not you believe it to be a sport --cheerleading), i wouldn't necessarily describe myself as "sporty." and for whatever reason i've always equated the sneaker trend with being the aforementioned superlative so i never paid it much attention ...

a morning at balboa park

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after (barely) surviving 10 days of the stomach flu last month, we've declared 2022 the year of the playground-alternative adventure (aka: operation avoid kid-germs). thankfully, living in san diego, we're so fortunate to have a bevy of wide open spaces at our disposal. so for today's romp, we headed southbound to balboa park. we couldn't ...

the best $45 jacket

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welp, #targetdoesitagain (they always do, don't they?!)! i just received this quilted bomber jacket in the mail this weekend and it's so good, it needed to be shared. on a recent solo target trip (see also: mini vacation), i stumbled upon this utility jacket during a quick perusal of the clothing department. on a whim, ...

four outfits i wore in la quinta

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after 18 long months, the rivera clan took a little vacation! all four of us + papa kurt and gogo just returned from four glorious days at la quinta resort in la quinta, california -also known to us as heaven on earth. we've been coming to the resort for YEARS (it was the site of ...

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