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so while everyone was going crazy about taylor swift's release of her highly-anticipated album 1989, another album was released night. my beloved local singer-songwriter (and the object of my sometimes stalking affections) mrs. tristan prettyman maris released seven brand new tracks on her first self-produced album back to home. while the 2012 release of cedar + gold focused on heartache (on ...

to stir with love

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image via: not without salt.   they say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. and while that's certainly true (two words: magic bars), i think the same can be said about a woman's heart, too. you can even take the express route if the dish involves chocolate and/or peanut butter. it's no secret that food ...

my turn

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  do you remember the very first blog post i ever wrote? it's okay if you don't, it was four and a half years ago and sometimes i can't even remember what i ate for lunch yesterday (okay that's a lie, i had turkey and pickles and avocado with a side of grey poupon), but regardless, ...

the adventures of S & S || shawn(a)palooza

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forget sunday funday, i'm making monday funday a thing. yesterday i played hookie (and by "played hookie" i mean i did the upstanding thing and used a paid vacation day) so S and i could have our very own shawn(a)palooza. (as opposed to shawnuary which was just celebrated in june). since S had the entire week off of work, i ...

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