krazy for keen-wah

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i'm no foodie, i just play one on the internet. but sometimes i feel like i know what i'm talking about. especially when it comes to weird stuff that you've only heard about on some vegetarian cooking show or seen at trader joe's and weren't sure how to pronounce. like quinoa. that's keen-wah. i know, you were thinking kwee-noah ...

first date accuracies

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i mean, if you ever wanted to know what a date with me might look like, by all means: gentlemen, the line forms to the left. p.s. missing kristen wiig like whoa, but really really happy snl has returned for its 38th season. oh hey, seth.

what matters

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If you want to succeed in your life, remember this phrase. The past does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday; or all day today, or a moment ago, or for the last six months; the last 16 years, or the last fifty years of life doesn’t mean anything…all that matters is what are ...

life lessons from himym

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truthfully, i've only watched approximately four and a half episodes of how i met your mother, but i stumbled upon this list today and barney stinson expert or not, i echo every statement on here. just exchange the bagel part for an iced coffee with soy and an oatmeal.

the p unit

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chances are if you're friends with me, and you're married (that should actually read, "chances are if you're friends with me, (COMMA) YOU'RE MARRIED) i've been a third wheel with you and your gent (or lady) a time or twelve. in fact, you've probably even treated me to dinner (and for that i say THANK YOU) because ...

how to make a life

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i just kind of love this. keeping this here for a friendly reminder: how to make a life | jen pastiloff First: Take everything you’ve ever learned and everything You’ve yet to discover and place it in a box labeled Thank You. Second: Take a picture of your face and remember That in many years time you will be amazed at how ...

a beautiful hot mess

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We try to change all the time. Life is about growing, about being able to say that we went from here to there but I’m learning that that’s not always realistic. The more pressure we put on ourselves to change, to “grow up,” the more likely we are to repeat the same mistakes. It’s important to ...

love lit sky

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Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth “you owe me”. Look what happens with a Love like that. It lights up the whole sky. hafiz (via) photo credit: my talented momma

(p)leather together

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so you may or may not be aware of this, but leather is IN for the fall season (and for you animal lovers, pretend like i just said "pleather" instead, k?). the september issue of instyle magazine told me so. although, i kind of feel as though leather has never not (yes, that's a double ...