blog crush friday: that kind of woman

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sometimes you just need a little inspiration -a quote, a photograph, a song lyric. nothing too showy, nothing too flashy, just honest words and beautiful snapshots of humanity strung together by the occasional personal confession or original prose. lucky for me (and for all of us, really), said inspiration exists on the interwebs.

the blog that kind of woman is the perfect manifestation of the adjectives above. described as a “website dedicated to the things that inspire a young woman with a good head on her shoulders, an overactive imagination and a constant question on her mind: what kind of woman is she?,” this blog is one i find myself coming back to time and time again. the quotes kat finds about life and love and circumstance all too often are the words i need to hear at the precise time i need to hear them. in fact, it takes everything in me not to re-post nearly everything she writes.

a few of my favorites are here, here and here.

so if you’re looking for a good blog to curl up inside with a hot cup of coffee and a fuzzy pair of socks, i suggest checking out that kind of woman.

image via: that kind of woman.

image via: that kind of woman.


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