cheesy puns don’t stink

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cheesy humor


there’s a wine bar in the little town square down the hill from my condo. the other day, as S and i drove back to my house, we passed this sign on the street. since i was being a safe and responsible driver (ten and two, ten and two), he read it aloud to me as we idled at the red light.

y’all, i laughed all the way up the hill. we both agreed we’d like to go shake the hand of whoever came up with that gem. i mean, we of all people appreciate a good pun when we see it.

(sadly a subsequent google search later notified us that the wine bar employee was certainly not the first to take advantage of the famed eurthymics lyric).

on our recent passage through “town,” i pulled over out in front of the restaurant so S could jump out and document said chalkboard sign. even if it’s not exactly an original, i still wanted to remember its sentiments.

anyway, just a little cheese(y) humor for your hump day.

i think annie would be proud.

1 Comment
  • Aunt Teresa
    September 4, 2014

    Absolutely perfect. I really appreciate clever humor edam though I’m not clever enough to make up an original.

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