being all there

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lately i've been dwelling on this print. well maybe not this actual print, but more so the sentiment behind its words. being present. in the moment i'm in. to taste, feel, smell, see, hear, everything around me. to climb inside that moment and make myself comfortable. to simply be content in this particular life juncture. but i was yet ...

baby shower game face

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i love children. seriously, some may even call me a baby-whisperer. i'm that lady in the trader joe's check-out line making faces at your toddler as he stares in wonderment chewing on his sophie the giraffe. i stop other mothers out in front of h&m to tell them how adorable their little girl is when she's dressed ...

mumbley and jumbley

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sometimes when i attempt to categorize events, thoughts, feelings, emotions (purchases?) that have transpired since we last, uh, spoke(?) i have a hard time coming up with any continuity. somehow, i seem to be the only common thread between them all, and while i'm a pretty great common thread, oftentimes the composition just ends up feeling all ...

let me tell you about my best friend

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is there a quota on how much you can brag about your mother? i didn't think so. if there was, i would have surely met it by now. but since you just assured me that there isn't, i'll continue. i know mother's day isn't for like four months, and my mom's birthday is about two weeks after ...

dream on

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i've been dreaming of springtime lately. i mean, it probably doesn't help that san diego decided to get all 72 & sunny for like a hot minute and that i've been focusing on spring 2013 trends for my weekly Ask Miss A articles, too. plus my legs are just really excited to, i don't know, ...


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lately i've been listening to a lot of tristan prettyman. like, it's kind of becoming a problem (sorry fellow spotify users, don't adjust your computer screens, i am indeed listening to the entire cedar & gold album again). but my oh my (see what i did there? if you don't know her music, then this pun ...

dear me, i love you, love me

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...Listen to the music which makes you want to both sob and dance with uninhibited joy, and allow yourself to repeat any song you want as many times as your heart desires. Think of the person you are when you have your favorite song in your headphones and are walking down a street you feel ...

not ready for this jelly

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looking to get humble this winter? here's a thought, go shop for a bathing suit. no? that doesn't sound like a wise decision? silly me, i probably should have consulted you before i ventured into the target dressing room this past saturday afternoon with a handful of swimsuit separates in my hands. truth be told, i ...

journey back to dillon

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Eric Taylor: Give all of us gathered here tonight the strength to remember that life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable, and we will all, at some point in our lives... fall. We will all fall. We must carry this in our hearts... that what we have is special. That it can ...


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it's funny to see the way things God reveals things to us. rather, the way He chooses to reveal things to me. He's learned by now, HA! He's always known (duh), that i arrive at decisions at a tortoise pace. in fact, for as astute as i am in certain arenas of my life, there ...