progress of the paleo & personal varieties

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lately, i've been experiencing a little personal unrest. vacillating between being comfortable with sharing this with all of you (all probably 10 of you) and, well, not being comfortable with sharing this with all of you. but sometimes you're supposed to "write hard and clear about what hurts." at least that's what ernest hemingway (and kendi of ...

g is for granola

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g is for "Granola." it's also for "Get in mah belly." and "Gosh, this stuff is Good." and "Gone" as in, that's exactly what's going to happen to it if i don't keep in mind the fact that nuts are really expensive. g is also for "Giraffe". but that's neither here nor there, i just like giraffes. anyway, as you ...

central coast with my cousin clan

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i tend to believe that the initial moments of travel have the power to set the tone for the entire trip. perfect example? that one time in march when i broke my cross-necklace in the security line before spilling my entire iced coffee in front of gate four of the southwest terminal prior to my flight ...

i diy’ed

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let's be honest, there are a whole lot of pinterest-inspired projects pinned on my "for a rainy day" board that are probably never going to make it past the planning stage. i mean, growing up, i was always the kid doing craft projects (most of them involved puffy paint, which, hi, how great is that?). ...


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i don't know about how your mind works, but if someone were to take a snapshot of the inside of my brain, i kind of feel as though it might look like a jumbled ball of twine. a discombobulation of interconnected strings, each representing a fact, figure, or 'n sync song lyric. try as i ...


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there are a few things you should never do: 1) go to a puppy store without the intention of getting a puppy. 2) tell yourself that you're going to run into target just to pick up a new tube of toothpaste and refill cartridges for your swiffer. 3) try on jeans that are way out of your price ...

after “supposed to be”

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Things didn’t work out because, well, greater things were in the works. It’s so difficult while we’re blind and hurting and don’t know which way is up. But, if you have faith in anything, have faith in the fact that the universe has a beautiful way of straightening things out far better than we ever ...

paleoh no!

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so in the culinary world, there's a lot of trial and error. at least in the culinary world of yours truly. especially in this new(ish) paleo chapter. but i mean, not all of my attempts at becoming the paleo julia child can be home runs, right? i mean, where would the fun be in that? truth be told, ...

shelf & shape

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words of encouragement are like that. they have their own power. and when they are said by the right people, they can change everything. what i've found in following Jesus is that most of the time, when it comes to who says it, we each are the right people. and i've concluded something else. that ...

happy birthday ‘merica

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so it's america's birthday today (cheers to 237 years!), but you already knew that because you're probably headed to the beach or to a barbecue, or to a BEACH BARBECUE or something else that's really fun. i'm kind of on my way to something similar. except my barbecue is at a country club with about 1500 ...