the trouble with labels

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label. a brief description given for purposes of identification. (see also: characterization, classification or brand). labels. like it or not, we all use them: male or female. rich or poor. blonde or brunette (or redhead?). democrat or republican. herbivore or carnivore (i think these actually apply to dinosaurs, but go with me on this one). ...

fanning the flames

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my high school experience probably looked different from yours. much different in fact. but i wouldn't change it for the world. there's a badge of honor that comes with both surviving and thriving as a big fish in a little pond for for a portion of your life. and the people you share that ...

sig alert

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them: so why is it that you don't have a boyfriend? me: oh he's on his way, he's just stuck in traffic. even two years later, it's still the best response i can think to give to the age old question.

strong vs. skinny

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given my track record, you may think i tune into any and every reality television show ever made (and that would be saying a lot considering how many of them the soup manages to make fun of week after week). but surprise! (i know, you almost just spit out your coffee in disbelief) i actually try ...

hug it out

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i'm a hugger by nature. sure, handshakes are nice (as long as they aren't limp fish!) and yeah, yeah, probably more "professional," but when it comes down to it, if i'm really happy to meet someone, i'd much rather say it with an arm embrace. plus, with cold season in full swing, i think hugs ...

hey cupid, watch your aim

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you want to know one of the fun things about having a blog? i'm sure you do, and i'll tell you! it's basically your online diary housing your past thoughts, feelings, events (and outfits), accessible for any time you care to take a walk down memory lane. and seeing as it's february, and well, you ...

life’s co-pilot

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monday afternoon warranted me an early departure from work and a follow-up appointment at the dermo (thrilling story i know, but it gets better, i promise). and yes, while leaving la jolla at two in the afternoon was certainly awesome as was the the appointment itself (current goal: clear skin by summer, we're getting there!) perhaps ...