i’m back, y’all

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so i know what you’re thinking…

is this like a noxema commercial or what?

just kidding. obviously b and i paid cher and the gang a little visit on sunday evening (but honestly, a) how good is clueless? and b) how on earth can i put to use the fact that i literally know every single line in that movie?).

no, but in all seriousness, perhaps you’ve been thinking to yourself,


where in the world is carmen san diego shawna? (what? no daily outfit photos?)

well don’t worry, i’m back, y’all. back from nashville, tn. and gosh do i have so many tales to tell (and instagrams to share!) but that whole coming back to reality, a full inbox-slash-other-miscellaneous-work-type-duties, as well as a load of laundry or five has hindered me from composing the recap of all recaps to fully divulge just how amazing my little trip eastward was. so until i handle all of those items (and maybe give mr. joe’s a good healthy visit), i’ll leave you on the edge of your seat with this photo.

besties that skinny-arm together, stay together (fo life).

it’s not really the kind of photo that evokes a dramatic pause. unless you count that moment when our sheer beauty overwhelms you to the point of silence. i kid, i kid.

anyway, bottom line: nash was a dream, no amount of miles between us will ever sever the bond my b and i share and well, i apparently am really really good at making friends at the airport (you think i’m kidding, i exchanged business cards with my seat companion on my return flight and she promised to “facebook friend me” when she got home) and good thing because despite my wanderlust and overall care for my pet travel bug,

i still hate to fly.

also? i loved hunger games. did you feel that bandwagon? i just jumped on (t-minus two or three lunch breaks before i finish off the trilogy!).

double also? mad props, kudos, and high fives to a certain someone who braved the early morning and late evening lindbergh field crazies to drop my booty off (and pick it up again) at the airport. i think you are quite wonderful.


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