we’ve more than established that i’m usually tardy to the party on most things except actual parties (i’m always awkwardly early to those, oftentimes hanging out in my car so as to avoid bothering the hostess with small talk as she’s trying to get things done), so maybe this blog has been around for a while and i’ve just been remiss in discovering its goodness, but at any rate, i came across a quote from its pages on another blog i subscribe to and my goodness is it ever choc-full-o-truth. it’s called “daily pep talk from a best friend” and it is awesome.
and maybe that’s because i’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for pep talks. motivational monologues given from yours truly to yours truly. or better still, inspirational recitation from my nearest and dearest in times of greatest need. and y’all, i don’t mean to brag (but i’m going to anyway), but i have some of the world’s best pep-talkers in my corner. like a bunch of mini coach taylors at my immediate disposal. and i oftentimes think, my goodness, what did i ever do to deserve having such encouraging humans in my life?
answer? nothing. they are purely a gift from God and for them and their wisdom, i am so eternally grateful.
so to the pep talkers in my life, i want to say thank you. sometimes i wish there was a greater word filled with multiple syllables, vowels, and consonants to properly quantify the magnitude of my gratitude, but webster’s hasn’t seemed to formulate that quite yet, so i suppose the simple two-word phrase will have to suffice for now.
you have helped me to realize my potential, oftentimes revealing things to me that i’ve never even stopped to consider in my 27 years of roaming this earth. you have assisted me with a listening ear and a genuine heart; a sincere regard for my well-being, and a steadfast desire that i can one day see me as you do, as the Lord does, as so much more than what i find staring back at me in the mirror each morning.
you are my coach taylors.
and i am the luckiest.
p.s. a few of my favorite “pep talks” from the site:
Your Life Is Unbelievable.
Pep Talk: There’s something even better in store for you than what you’re planning for yourself. Something so mindbogglingly wonderful, you haven’t even begun to consider the possibility of it happening to you. And you’re going to have lots of experiences like that. You’ll get things you didn’t know you wanted and you’ll do things you had no clue you could. You won’t believe your life and it has already started.
Today remind yourself: My life is unbelievable.
You’re A Compelling Protagonist.
Pep Talk: You’re a motivated individual with the will to excel. You have all the skills necessary to be a champion. The first step in your amazingly successful journey begins right now. I look forward to reading your memoirs- sure to be a page turner.
Today remind yourself: I’m a compelling protagonist.
You’re Open To It.
Pep Talk: Things are so much easier when you’re willing to accept whatever comes your way. You’re a flexible person who is open to new opportunities, even if they’re not exactly the opportunities you’d planned for. Allow yourself to feel less responsibility for future outcomes. They’re out of your control anyway and you’ll be fine no matter what happens.
Today remind yourself: I’m open to it.
and finally
Be More, Everyday.
Pep talk: To list all the positive qualities you have would barely skim the surface of what makes you amazing. There’s more good in you than even you know. Push yourself. Surprise yourself.
Today remind yourself: Be more, everyday.