shawna university

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i've heard of a lot of good answers to the ever-so-fun-question -"why are you still single?" and until recently, my excuse of "he's just stuck in traffic" held the number one ranking. now i'm not saying it has been replaced completely, but the following metaphor could certainly give it a run for its money. just to ...

bossy britches

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i can't help but think that good books are like old friends. and at this moment i think i'm ripping off someone famous' quote and for that i'll go google it and give them credit where credit is due. hold please. (...) i think i found it. it's by paul sweeney and it's not exactly the sentiments ...

prabal-y crazy

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i've never done the whole wait in line on black friday thing and i skipped out on the missoni madness last time target launched a line that held with it such anticipation. but after weeks of floral-adorned images had danced around my head like sugarplums, i decided to throw caution to the consumerism wind and ...

just right

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so we all know the story of goldilocks and the three bears, right? a little toe-head breaks into the bear family home only to eat all of their porridge and sleep in their beds. i mean, if we really stop and think about it, this tale from childhood is really quite creepy. but let's pretend ...

treat yo self: valentine’s day edition

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okay valentine's day, i see you creeping. you're officially a week away and despite the fact that i have traditionally not cared for you, well that's not entirely true, i'm very much a fan of your once-a-year abundance of conversation hearts, but on the whole, i kind of find you a bit trite and overrated. ...

say it like you mean it

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Anonymous asked: Do you have any suggestions for someone wanting to get back into writing and, hopefully, turning it into a career? I let my parent's nagging get the better of me in college and I reluctantly switched from an English major to something more "secure." A degree and 3 years of mind-numbing office work ...

a really big bird

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i mean, i get it, i consume a lot of food in one sitting. and while i was once fearful for how stuffing my face with everything on my plate in a public setting might be received by the general population, i have long since gotten over it. so i don't really think twice when i order four ...

silver & gold

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relationships are funny, i think. and i'm not just talking about the kind that involve a candle-lit dinner and a kiss on the cheek -i'm talking about friendships, and bonds shared with family, and well, of course, the romantical kind, too (hi, this is we're talking about, duh). i'm talking about the ones you ...