great expectations

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And the days that I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have really good days. ray wylie hubbard (via) ex·pec·ta·tion. /ˌekspekˈtāSHən/ a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. expectations. i feel like they can get the best of us. well maybe not you, you probably have a healthy handle ...

no(t right now)

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i was recently approached with the opportunity to become a pure barre instructor. for anyone who knows me, that news was kind of a big deal. mostly for the fact that i have been devoted to the pure barre technique for well over two years now since taking my very first class in march 2011 ...

rediscovering adventure

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alhambra gardens | spain 2005. this is one of my favorite pictures ever taken of me. i mean for one, i remember it being a good hair day (no small fete while traveling abroad). but in all seriousness, when i look at this picture, i see a version of myself that i really love. the kind ...

decisions, decisions

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i care a lot about what you think. maybe a little too much, in fact. i don't know,  it's probably just the people pleaser in me, or my innate desire to be well-liked and respected by my peers, but whatever the underlying reasoning for it, as much as i may play it off that i ...

falling in love

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It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit. Eartha Kitt (via)  

let’s get skintimate

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i started shaving my legs when i was in sixth grade. i don't know if that's late or early on the whole milestone spectrum, but my hair was blonde and shaving sounded like a lot of work so i tried to postpone it as long as possible. but when i was nearly the last girl ...

the power of yes

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lately i've been dwelling on the concept of intentionality. google is telling me this isn't a word, so i'm going to rephrase it and say that i've been dwelling on the concept of being intentional. letting your yeses be yeses and your nos be nos. while i'm by no means an expert on this topic, i'd like ...

gettin’ figgy with it

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lately i've been all about salads. salads for lunch, salads for dinner, i'd probably eat a salad for breakfast if i could incorporate granola and maple syrup with it. there's just something about the simplicity of salads that makes them pretty much the best go-to meal when the last thing you want to do is ...

home is where your t-shirt is

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i'm a cali girl. born and raised in the gold rush state, i rep my roots with pride. while i may not fulfill all of the stereotypes -i'm no longer blonde, don't drive a convertible (i don't even have a sunroof), and have never learned how to surf, i do, however, love celebrities, and think ...

can i get an extension?

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you know that phrase "pain is beauty?" yeah, i do, too. a little too well, in fact. i mean, i'm a girl, so let's be honest, there's a lot of things that we put up with in the name of vanity. two words: high heels. two more words: bikini wax. or what about just one word: spanx? let's face it, ...