thirty days of thankfulness: 11/10/13

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i never kept a diary as a young girl. sometimes, i kind of wish i did, if only for the fact that it would probably be quite entertaining (and contain a lot of JTT references). but despite the fact that i didn’t contribute regularly to a little notebook privatized by lock and key, my love affair with writing does indeed date back to the days of pig-tails and capri suns.

and slowly but surely, over the years, i’ve fallen deeper and deeper in love with the written-word and the art of self-expression -finding it to be my most cathartic medium (well, maybe besides aggressive car-dancing). while it would be more than enough for me to simply keep these musings to myself, in the past two years especially, i have been extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to share them on a more public scale. and in doing so, i can’t help but feel as though my writing has benefited greatly. it has become more dynamic, and streamlined, honest, and approachable. and maybe that’s because you try to put your very best foot forward when you know more than just you and your 11 followers might be reading it. oh and having an editor really helps, too.

so today i’m thankful for writing opportunities. for the chances to share my thoughts and feelings with the world on the interwebs and, most notably, in print. i am thankful to AskMissA and to the entire Darling magazine team for the countless opportunities to flex (and stretch) my writing muscles. while it’s always a privilege sharing my daily musings with y’all on my own little piece of real estate in the blogosphere, there’s just something about seeing your name attached to an organization that reaches a wider audience that holds a bit more weight.

so here’s to more opportunities in the future and for a continued mark of gratitude and humbleness when those opportunities come my way. God’s the one opening doors, i’m just lucky enough to get to walk through them.

image via: pinterest.

image via: pinterest.


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