thirty days of thankfulness: 11/20/13

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between my commute to and from work five days a week and my weekend gallivants along highway 101, it’s safe to say i spend a good portion of my life day to day in my car. thankfully, as of late, in my car isn’t so shabby a place to be. since saying goodbye to the original white lightning and upgrading her to white lightning 2.0 nearly two full years ago, i have come to realize that if you’re going to spend your life commuting to and from suburbia every day, you might as well enjoy the ride, literally.

so today i am thankful for my trusty hyundai. for the countless hours and miles she logs along north county side streets and interstate five. i am thankful for her comfortable seats and working radio and most definitely her auxiliary cord which allows me to charge my phone battery whilest also playing music from my ipod. i am thankful that she takes regular unleaded gasoline (the least expensive), has a really powerful air-conditioning system, and consistently transports me from point a to b safe and sound. i am grateful for her ample back seat and trunk space used to haul my weekly loot from trader joe’s and jimbo’s and that, in an average week, she still boasts 30 miles to the gallon.

but most importantly, i am thankful that she has seamlessly filled a role left vacant by my beloved civic (those were big tires to fill) and that despite a minor scrape from an unfortunate meeting with a piece of golf course maintenance equipment, she still sparkles just as much today as she did when i brought her home nearly two years ago.

her first night home.

her first night home.


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