the fashion lottery

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i stand (firmly) behind the belief that you can never truly rule out an article of clothing until you try it on. i almost passed up my senior year homecoming dress by not following this advice. but lucky for me, i told that little voice inside my head screaming, "nah, it's kind of a funky color," ...

delay vs. denial

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i by no means consider myself a serious person, because let's be honest, seriousness is kind of overrated (unless the situation calls for it, then of course it should definitely be adhered to). so for the most part, i would rather approach life with awkward pauses, a bad case of sarcasm and copious amounts of ...

highlight reels

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clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. yes, i'll quote it now and i'll quote it forever (texas, forever), because everything about my beloved friday night lights television series is in my (clear) eyes, perfect. ok, so maybe "perfect" is too strong of a sentiment, but let's just say it comes pretty darn close to that. much like my ability to ...

the big reveal

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i might not seem like the sorority type; you know the kind of images that instantly pop into mind when the words "sorority girl" are uttered in casual conversation: wet t-shirt contests (sorry, mom & grandma), jello shots, lower-back tattoos and overall mayhem confined to a house ridden with greek symbols and pink. and obviously i ...


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saturdays have always been filled with routines: softball practices. football games. sorority events and for a time, even workdays. monotony. but the good kind of monotony -the kind that makes you look forward to the end of the week before its even begun (ok, so maybe not the workday part). i don't think anyone wakes up ...

quack, quack

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i like to think i'm a pretty well-trained between-the-lines reader. and while i'm quite aware of what happens to "u" and "me" when assumptions are made, in most happenings of the common variety, i can take the pieces, however abstract they may be, and string them together in a way that eventually warrants a clear conclusion. but ...

a homemade life

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reading and writing. like peanut butter and jelly (or other pairs from my youth: bert and ernie, tube socks and vans, bangs and over-grown eyebrows), these two school subjects were always joined at the hip. and maybe that's why i've always just equated them with each other. i suppose while they can stand alone, just like ...

perfecting her craft

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let me just preface this story with the fact that i love my mother. remember that as i tell you a tale of how i spent my new year's day, k? but first, a few things. one. i am my mother's only child. but you would have no trouble knowing that upon stepping foot inside my parents' home. ...

everything’s coming up roses

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ok. so here's the thing. despite my new grown-up web address, there will forever be some items of my life that well, may seem a bit un-grown-up. like my unabashed love for reality television. i suppose you can take the "reality shows" out of the blog name but you certainly can't take the "reality shows" out of the blogger, ...