gettin’ figgy with it

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lately i've been all about salads. salads for lunch, salads for dinner, i'd probably eat a salad for breakfast if i could incorporate granola and maple syrup with it. there's just something about the simplicity of salads that makes them pretty much the best go-to meal when the last thing you want to do is ...

sundays in the kitchen

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i have always loved sunday. i mean don't get me wrong, i love saturday, too, but there's just something about having a productive sunday that i relish in week after week. and maybe it's because these days, sundays have become synonymous with time in the kitchen. actually, they've really become synonymous with food in general ...

takin’ a leap to up my creep

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so i must confess something. i was remiss in revealing an aspect of last weekend's sunday funday when i composed its overview here. you see, while yes, adventures in home decorating were made and gratuitous flowers were gifted, there was also a momentary case of creepiness demonstrated by yours truly. i'm not gonna lie, i check instagram ...

a note about sunday

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of all of the days of the week, i've always been partial to sunday. maybe it's the fact that i kick off the morning with a soul-stirring church service, or the fact that it has habitually been my day to re-stock my refrigerator shelves with a few of trader joe's finest, or even still, maybe it's ...


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despite the inferno temperatures continuing to monopolize our so-called "fall" season, we're entering the time of year marked by scarves and boots, football and falling leaves. a time of year for homecomings. and while my high school and collegiate homecomings aren't for a few weeks (side note: i'm quite excited to attend both for the first ...

a weekend with my dude and (lots of good) food

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oh hey, did i miss something? because it can't POSSIBLY be monday already, can it? so remember when i said i hoped to accomplish the following items over the course of this two-day break from the 9-5 grind? welp, ironically (and awesomely) enough, the one thing i was confident i would in fact complete (aka laundry) ...

right next to the frozen peas

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thursday seemed to be an evening of reunions. first, with a college friend who was back in the states from australia for his brother's wedding and second, well, it's kind of a funny story. you see, as you already may or may not know, i have formed many a friendship with the kind staff at my ...

hey cupid, watch your aim

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you want to know one of the fun things about having a blog? i'm sure you do, and i'll tell you! it's basically your online diary housing your past thoughts, feelings, events (and outfits), accessible for any time you care to take a walk down memory lane. and seeing as it's february, and well, you ...

musings of the uncategorized variety

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so i'm not sure if y'all have noticed, but i have been remiss in recounting uber exciting and in turn "blog-worthy" stories as of late. and well, this is obviously a direct result of the lack of uber exciting and "blog-worthy" events in my life. now this isn't to say that my life has not ...

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