care bear stare

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that awkward moment when you wear your new j.crew inspired heart sweater from old navy to church and your boyfriend says, "ah, you look like a care bear; but in a good way!" i mean, he had a point i suppose. exhibit a: tenderheart, the care bear exhibit b: my beloved heart sweater (but not my beloved torso) but still, ...

target whoopsies & floral jeans

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have you heard of a target whoopsies? it's a highly technical term in which a person (i.e. me) has a few moments to kill before her bible study and decides to kill said minutes perusing her neighborhood target store ("perusing" being the key word here; see also: no intention on buying the objects of her perusal) only to walk out minutes ...

hooray for tar-jeh

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have you checked out the target tumblr yet? you really should. because in scrolling through you would find outfit gems like this: what's that polka dot sweater? you want to come live in my closet? and this: i mean, can we please make "touche with my bustier" the latest catchphrase? and this one for the gent in your life: ...

on wednesdays we eat chipotle

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there are a lot of privileges that come in finally reaching the top rung on the proverbial high school ladder -prime parking spaces, a near-guarantee spot on the varsity team of your choice and as was the case at my high school, off campus lunch. come every thursday morning of my senior year, the campus was ...

“paper clip” stories

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so since we're into full disclosure on here, i have to let you in on a little secret. i've started about three different blog posts this week only to stop about a third of the way through and second guess myself entirely. it's this weird "eh, i'm not even sure this story is worth telling" ...

little joys

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found this here and fell in love: Watch the sunrise at least once a year, put a lot of marshmallows in your hot chocolate, lie on your back and look at the stars, never buy a coffee table you can’t put your feet on, never pass up a chance to jump on a trampoline, don’t overlook ...

a hairy situation

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considering the fact that my boyfriend has had to up the regularity of his vacuuming due to significant lock-shedding from yours truly (what? finding long strawberry-blond hairs embedded in your carpet and between your toes in the morning isn't endearing?) and well, the fact that i'm to chopping it all off out of sheer ...

don’t be a jeremy

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we watched moneyball last night -his first, my second go around. and i enjoyed the repeat performance just as much as i did on my first viewing. maybe more for the fact that equipped with the foreknowledge of the movie's events, i was able to simply sit back and relish in the cinematic gloriousness of ...